One of the most important things campers, hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts plan for is whether or not they have all the basic requirements for survival. A number of useful gadgets and tools are needed, depending on the outdoor activity you are planning on.
Several tools are a necessity- think of cutting wood, clearing brush for a site, starting a fire, clearing a path or some unforseen emergency. Ordinarily you would need several tools to accomplish all these tasks.
However, the manufacturer of the SOG Survival Hawk has cleverly designed several tools in one. Truly a versatile tool the SOG is a 12.1 inch stainless tomahawk axe that can be used for chopping wood, clearing brush, is a timber cutting ax, camp ax, hiking hatchet, and survival tool with a 3-inch hard-cased black stainless steel blade. It does whatever an ax should do and also a lot more. This portable multitool ax is likewise lightweight yet really challenging. Its stainless steel head is rugged, holds an edge and the stainless steel head is corrosion resistant. The head is joined with a sturdy handle with sturdy bols and a steel ferrule.
The hawk is a backpacking hatchet and survival ax, making it a superb outdoor survival tool with a glass-reinforced nylon and paracord grip. The Survival Hawk stainless steel metal hatchet and multi-functional camping ax also features a ballistic nylon sheath that one can sling from a belt or gear for easy access. This allows it to be used as a hunting ax. Also, with this tactical ax tool, you will always be able to start a fire as it has an in-handle ferrocerium firestarter rod in this design. This of course could really make a life saving difference for many outdoor survival scenarios.
Other features include a checkered hammer edge and claw for prying and wire cutting. You will be able to open things that have been nailed shut, and strike construction nails and wood surfaces, among other things. There is plenty one can do with this versatile tool. The SOG Survival Hawk and still perform as many tasks as you need without carrying several different, bulky tools.
FROM SOG: Take care of your camp ax and, we’ll take care of you; we gladly consider repairs and replacements for your properly maintained SOG FastHawk survival ax with fire starter.
The hawk is multi-functional. You can do lots of tasks with it.
It replaces various tools, meaning you will certainly be packing much less than you would certainly without the SOG hawk.
It is lightweight and also can be conveniently carried in a bag.
The hawk also has a fire starter.
The head has a strong edge, and also it can be honed to get a resilient sharp blade.
If you need a hefty tool to chop a huge log or cut a big tree down this would not be the best axe to use.
It is the perfect tool for small to medium tasks. It is lightweight, versatile and invaluable to have in any outdoor situation.